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La “Teoría General De La Mediación Interlingüe” De García Landa-Viaggio y Su Relación Con La Pragmática

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Abstract (2. Language): 
Traductology is a relatively new discipline. As such it has taken methods and systems from other branches, particularly Linguistics. Much has been said about the various linguistic theories applied to translation. On the other hand, translation theory contributions to linguistics have often been ignored. This is the case with the system of García Landa, later developed in Viaggio’s “General Theory of Interlingual Mediation”. Due to its extreme abstraction this theory might intimidate the initial reader, but might be also of great help in linguistics classes to clarify key concepts of pragmatics.



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Viaggio, Sergio (2004): Teoría general de la mediación interlingüe. Alicante:
Publicaciones de la Universidad de Alicante.

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