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¿Cómo hablan los habaneros? Estudio sobre el habla cubana en la capital de la isla

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Abstract (2. Language): 
In this article I am presenting a general view of the Spanish variety that is spoken in Cuba and more exactly in Havana, the capital of the country. I have analyzed the transcriptions of a corpus composed by 15 hours of conversations recorded in Havana in 2007. After analyzing the transcriptions I have found that there are two opposite tendencies in the colloquial language: one is conservative and the other one is innovative. The conservative tendency explains the presence of some ancient grammatical constructions in very specific contexts, for example díceme, dígole. The innovative tendency is reflected in the phonological varieties while the speakers are pronouncing some consonants. In this work there are also some reflections about pragmatic strategies and vocabulary that people from Havana use in their conversations.



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