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XX. Yüzyıl İspanyol Şiirinde Modernizmin Alımlanma Süreci

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Abstract (2. Language): 
This study aims to analyse the perception of modernism in the Spanish poetry throughout the 20th century. First of all, how “the ‘98 Generation” and “Modernismo”, as two seemingly opposing groups since the beginning of the century, reconstructed themselves with the historical, social and cultural changes throughout the century will be discussed. In doing so, how these two groups differed from each other in the process of creating a Spanish national identity/consciousness especially toward the end of the 1960’s will be pointed out. Finally, how the modern Spanish poetry is re-interpreted in terms of symbolic modernism as a result of a new approach, which classifies “the ’98 Generation” in the modernism movement since the 1970’s, will be analyzed.



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- Jean Franco (1994) Spanish-American literature, , Cambridge, Cambridge University Press.
- Nieto, Ramon (2001) Desde el 98 a nuestros dias, Madrid, Acento.
- Tuson,Vicente-Lazaro Fernando (1981) Literatura española, , Madrid, Anaya.
- Debicki, P. Andrew (1997) Historia de la poesia española del siglo XX, Gredos, Madrid.
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- Jimenez, Juan Ramon (1999), El Modernismo, Apuntes del Curso (1953) , Jorge Urrutia (ed.), Madrid, Visor.

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