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Stara Planina (Sırbistan Bazı Orman ve Mera Topraklarda Katyon Değişim İlişkin olarak Ağır Metal Birikimi

Accumulation of Heavy Metals as Related to Cation Exchange in Some Forest and Pasture Soils of Stara Planina (Serbia)

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Abstract (2. Language): 
Heavy metal accumulation in the components of terrestrial ecosystems is conditioned by the deposition intensity, soil characteristics, mineral composition, and vegetation type. The exchangeable ionic reactions between the adsorptive complex and the soil solution are important sources of nutrients and also a significant mechanism for heavy metal retardation in the soil. The aim of this study is to determine the effect of cation exchange capacity on heavy metal accumulation in the soils under different vegetation (forest and pasture). The differences in the behaviour of individual elements depending on CEC in forest and pasture soils result primarily from different ratios of base and acid cations in the soil adsorptive complex and their reactions with heavy metals.



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