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Prof. Dr. Gökha n Eliçin'in Özgeçmişi ve Bilimsel Yayınları

Cirriculum Vitae of Prof. Dr. Gökhan ELİÇİN

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Abstract (2. Language): 
Prof. Dr. Gökhan Eliçin, was born in Kars on January 11, 1938 and retired from the Chairmanship of the Department of Forest Botany, Faculty of Forestry on January 11, 2002 because of the age limit. He served as an academician about 39 years in the Department of Forest Botany. He published books and research papers in the international and natioal scientific journals
Abstract (Original Language): 
Prof. Dr. Gökhan Eliçin, İ.Ü. Orman Fakültesi Orman Botaniği Anabilim Dalı Başkanlığını yürütmekte iken, yaş haddi nedeniyle, 11 Ocak 2002 tarihinde emekliye ayrılmıştır. Prof. Dr. Gökhan Eliçin, 1963 yılında akademik yaşama başlamış ve 39 yıl süresince değerli çalışmalar gerçekleştirmiş, başarılı bir akademik yaşamdan sonra, 2002 yılında emekliye ayrılmıştır.



Prof. Dr. Gökhan Eliçin retired from the Department head of Forest Botany, Faculty of Forestry on January 11, 2002 because of the age limit. Prof. Dr. Gökhan Eliçin began his academic profession in 1963 and has carried out his studies for 39 years. He visited Austria, Germany and France to improve his scientific carrier and German and French languages.
Name and Address
Date and Place of Birth Marital Status
Gökhan Eliçin
Professor of Forest Botany,
(retired in 2002)
Faculty of Forestry, Istanbul University 34473 Bahçeköy- İstanbul / TURKEY
January 11, 1938, Kars - TURKEY
Married, and father of two children
Received: 23.07.2008, accepted: 23.08.2008
Prof. Dr.
n Eliçin'in Özgeçmişi ve Bilimsel Yayınları
Education Special Training
Languages Awards, Honors
Administrative Activities
B.S. Forest Engineering, Istanbul University; D.F.SC Forest Botany, Istanbul University
Forest Botany Subjects, Goethe Institute, Germany 1963
Genetics in Science Faculty, Paris-France 1966¬1968
Germany - Good; French - Good
Scholarship from the Government of France for 2 years.
"Dendrology" in Forest Engineering and Landscape Architecture Departments
"Garden Plants" and "Garden and Greenhouse Flowers" in Landscape Architecture Department
"Phytopatology" in Forest Engineering and Landscape Architecture Departments
Published more than 40 scientific papers, articles, textbooks based on his scientific background.
Vice Dean of the Faculty of Forestry, 1988-1995 Chairman of the Department of Forest Botany, 1997-2002

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