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- İstanbul Üniversitesi Şarkiyat Mecmuası
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Abstract (2. Language):
One of the scientist who wrote private work about vaz‘ science was Eginli
Ibrahim Hakkı Efendi. In this article, the life of İbrahim Hakkı Efendi, his
scientific personality, his effects on other scientists and his booklet Metnun fi’lvaz‘
will be examined.
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Abstract (Original Language):
Vaz‘ ilmi konusunda müstakil eser yazan âlimlerden birisi de Eğinli İbrahim
Hakkı Efendi’dir. Bu makalede Eğinli İbrahim Hakkı Efendi’nin hayatı, ilmi
şahsiyeti, tesirleri ve Metnun fi’l-vaz‘ isimli risalesi incelenecektir.
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