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Financial Cr ises, Financial Regulation And Turkey

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Abstract (2. Language): 
During the last quarter of the 20th century, there have been considerable developments in the international financial system: deregulation, liberalization, internationalization of goods and capital flows, innovations of financ ial instruments and transactions, important developments in communication technology and increased competition. In this context, we try to elaborate the impacts of these developments on financial crises and the restructuring of financ ial regulation to prevent financial crises in the world, especially in Turkey. The November 2000 and February 2001 crises in Turkey have been analyzed in detail in the light of these developments.
Abstract (Original Language): 
20. Yüzyilin son çeyreginde uluslararasi finansal sistemde önemli gelismeler yasandi: serbestlesme (deregulation), liberalizasyon, mal ve sermaye akimlarinin uluslararasilasmasi, finansal araç ve islemlerdeki yenilikler, bilgi-iletis im teknolojisindeki gelismeler ve artan rekabet. Bu baglamda, çalismada finansal krizler ve finansal regülasyonun yeniden yapilandirilmasina iliskin Uluslararasi düzeyde ve Türkiye’deki gelismeler ele alinacak ve Türkiye’deki Kasim 2000 ve Subat 2001 krizleri degerlendirilmeye çalisilacaktir.