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A Study On The EffectsOf Geographical Mobility Upon Social Life In TheEvaluation Process

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Abstract (2. Language): 
Human being is an unusual creature which creates new opportunities for himself, using the capacity for reason he possesses. Mobility exists as a result of human being’s efforts for improving his life conditions and for creating new opportunities for himself. In this context mobility is often mentioned as related to time, freedom and equality. Thus the concept of freedom comes to the fore in modern democratic societies due to their mobile characteristic. Today mobility, having automobile/car, is presented as an inevitable condition for having and exerc ising freedom. Yet, it is also necessary to indicate that humanity as a whole pays a price as parallel to the increase in human being’s capacity for mobility. This price we pay comes about as environmental pollution, the destruction of natural life and the excessive and unplanned growing of cities etc. This artic le examines the factors which effect mobility from the perspective of a historical development process and considers its negative results.
Abstract (Original Language): 
Insan sahip oldugu akil yetenegi sayesinde kendis ine yeni olanaklar yaratan ender canlilardan biridir. Hareketlilik (Mobilite) insan için çogunlukla yeni olanaklara yönelme ve mevcut yasam kosullarini iyilestirme çabasi olarak ortaya çikmistir. Bu baglamda hareketlilik anlam olarak zaman, özgür kalma ve es itlikçi ifadelerle birlikte anilmistir. Modern toplumlarda, hareketlilik ile özgürlük kavrami sürekli olarak birlikte kullani lmaya bas lanmistir. Günümüzde bu özgürlügün elde edilmesi ve sürdürülmesi iç in, motorize olmak insanlara vazgeçilmez bir kosul olarak sunulmaktadir. Oysa insanin hareket yeteneginin genislemesine paralel olarak, bütün insanligin da ortak bir bedel ödedigini belirtmek gerekir. Bu bedel, karsimiza çogu zaman çevre kirligi, dogal yasamin tahrip olmasi, kentlerin asiri büyümesi vb. seklinde çikmaktadir. Bu makalede, tarihsel bir gelis im sürec inde hareketlilik kavrami ele alinarak ne gibi sonuçlara yol açtigi incelenmektedir.



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