Solutions For TheProblems In Determining Public ChoiceWith Voting Method
Journal Name:
- İstanbul Üniversitesi Siyasal Bilgiler Fakültesi Dergisi
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Abstract (2. Language):
The method of voting, known as the best means for the trans ition from individual choices to social
ones, includes some problems. The main problems are; Arrow imposibility, free-rider, principalagent
issue, misdetermination of the candidates for voting, fiscal illus ion, irrationality of the
majority choices, minority losses, voting costs, political myopia, rent seeking and logrolling. In
this study, the choice of appropriate voting method, freedom and pluralism, representation,
transperency, education, marketing, concentration, incentive and coercion have been presented as
the means for solving such problems. Even though these means can not bring absolute solutions to these problems, they can provide important advantages in this process. For example, thanks to
freedom and pluralism that candidates and voters can express themselves and the oppression of
minority by majority could be prevented. In today’s more populated societies where direct
democracy become impossible to perform representative system makes democracy applicable and
decreases voting costs rapidly.
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Abstract (Original Language):
Bireysel terc ihlerden toplumsal terc ihe geç isin bilinen en iyi araci olan oylama yöntemi kendi
iç inde bazi sorunlar tasimaktadir. Bu sorunlarin belli baslilari; Arrow çözümsüzlügü, bedavacilik,
asil-vekil sorunu, oylanacak adaylarin hatali tespiti, mali yani lma, çogunluk terc ihinin irrasyonel
olabilmesi, azinlik zararlari-oylama maliyeti, politik miyopluk, rant kollama ve oy ticaretidir. Bu
çalismada uygun oylama yönteminin seçimi, özgürlük ve çogulculuk, temsil, saydamlik, egitim,
piyasalasma, yogunlasma, özendirme ve zorlama anilan sorunlari çözmeye yönelik araçlar olarak
sunulmustur. Bu araç lar, anilan sorunlari mutlak olarak çözemese bile, bu yönde önemli yararlar
saglamaktadir. Örnegin, özgürlük ve çogulculuk sayesinde adaylar ve seçmenler kendilerini daha
iyi ifade edebilmekte, çogunlugun azinligi ezmesi önlenmektedir. Temsil s istemi dogrudan
demokrasinin adeta imkansiz hale geldigi günümüzün kalabalik toplumlarinda demokrasiyi
uygulanir kilmakta ve oylama maliyetlerini hizla düsürmektedir.
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