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stati_appendix.pdf, (web erisim:20.10.2005)
Financial Reform in Developing Count r ies
Money, Interest, and Banking in Economic
I .Ü.Siyasal Bilgiler
Fakültesi Dergisi”
Financial Risks, Stability,and Globalizat ion
The Economics of
Saving and Growth”
Capital Account L iberalization
and Financial Sector Stability
Financial Risk, Stability, and Globalization
Globalization and The Welfare State
The Economics of Money,Banking, and Financial Markets”
Reform in Developing Count r ies
Effects of
Financial Globalization on Developing Count r ies:Some Emprical
Programming and Policiy:The Case of Sri L anka”
The Policy of International Economic Relations
Risks, Stability, and Globalization
Policies, Institut ions and Dark Side of Economics
Globalization and Economic Development’
Financial Risks, Stablity, and Globalization
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