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Carle C. Zimmerman Sosyolojisinin Esasları

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Abstract (Original Language): 
Birleşik Devletler, günümüz sosyolojisinin belli başlı temsilcilerinden biri olan Prof. Carle C. Zimmerman, İstanbul Üniversitesine 1963-1964 ders yılı devresinde gelmiş bulunmaktadır.İstanbul Üniversitesi İçtimaiyat kürsüsünde Gerhard Kesslerin, ııznıı yıllardan beri Avrupa ve bilhassa Alınan sosyolojisi yönünden hizmetlerine. Carle C. Zimmermanm gelişiyle bir yenisi daha ilâve edileceği şüphesizdir. Harvard Üniversitesinin bu tanınmış Profesörü, bir yandan günümüz Amerikan sosyolojisinin ana cereyanlarını memleketimizde tanıtmakla beraber, diğer taraftan da temelini Avrupa felsefi ve sosyal fikir hareketlerinden alan bir mümessili olması hasebiyle ve Prof. Kessler'denberi açılmış olan kültür ananesini devam ettireceğine inanmak gerekir.



1. V. A. Sorokin and Carle C. Zimmerman: Principles of Rural-Urban So-
ciology, New York. Henry. Holt Company. 1929.
2. Sorokin, O. C. Zimmerman, and Ch. Galptn: A Systematic Source Book
in Rural Sociology, Minneapolis, University of Minnesota Press, 130.
3. C. C. Zimmerman: Siam-Rural Economic Survey. 1930-1931. Bangok, The
Times Press. Ltd.. oct. 1931.
4. C:. C. Zimmerman and Merle Frampfcon: Family and Society; Van Nos-
trand Comp. Inc., 1935.
5. C. C. Zimmerman: Consmuption and Standards of Living, New York, D.
van Nostrand Company, 1936.
6. C. C. Zimmerman : The Changing Community. Harper and Brothei-s. New
York. 1938.
7. C. C. Zimmerman : Family and Civilization. Harper and Brothers. N. Y.

8. C. C. Zimmerman : Outline of Social Change, 1946. 9. C. C. Zimmerman : Outline of Cultural Rural Socialogy, 1948.
10. C. C Zimmerman : The Family of Tomorrow, 1949.
11. C. C. ilmmerrtran : The Family and Social Change, in Annals, 1950.
12. C. C. Zimmerman : Outline of American Regional Sociology, 1947.
13. C. C. Zimmerman and Richard E. Du Wors : Graphic Regional Sociology,
Phillips Book Store, Cambridge, Mass. 1952.
14. C. C. Zimmerman, and Cervaatea : The Marriage and the Family, 1956.
15. C. C. Zimmerman : The Successful American Family, 1960.
16. C. C. Zimmerman : Patterns of Social Change, 1956.

B. Ba$Uca Makaleleri
1. Carle C. Zimmerman, and CaH C. Taylor : Rural Organization: A Study
of Primary Groups in Wake County; N. C. North Carolina Ag. Expe rience station Bulletin, 1922.
2. C. C. Zimmerman : Incomes and Expenditures of Minnesota Farmers and
City Families, 1927-28-29, Univ. of Minnesota.
3. J. D. Black and Carle C. Zimmerman : Family Laving on Successful Min-
nesota Forms, 1927.
4) J. D. Black and Carle C. Zimmerman : Factors Affecting Expenditures of Farm Family Incomes, Minnesota 1928.
5. J. Black and Carle C. Zimmerman : Incomes and Expenditures of Min-
nesota Farm and City Families, Bulletin 255, Univ. of Minneo Ag. Exp. Stn., June 1929.
6. J. Carle C. Zimmerman : The Family Budget os a Tool for Socialogical
Analysis; The American Journal of Sociology, 33 (6), May 1328.
7. J. D. Black and Carle C. Zimmerman : Incomes and Expenditures of Vil-
lage and Town Families in Minnesota, Bulletin 253, Univ. of Minnes-sota. 1929.
8. Carle C. Zimmerman ; "Mathematical Correlation in the Houeshold Budget,
Sociologus (8) 2. tune 1932.
9. Carle C Zimmerman : Rural Society. The Encyclopedia of the social scien-
ces, Vol. 13, sh. 469-471, 1934.
10. C. C. Zimmerman and Nathan L. Whetten : Rural Families on Relief, U. S. G. P. O., Washington 1938.

"£X C. C. Zimmermanand Useem : John H., and Ziegleer, Lyman H.; "Littáe
Ville : A parasitic Community During The Depression, Rural Socio¬logy, 1, 1936.
Í2. C. O. Z. and Faith M: William*, Studies of Families living in the United States and other Countries (Washington, D. C, U.S.D.A. 1935.
13. C. C. Z. : Farm Trade Centers in Minnesota, 1905 - 29, Min. Agricultural Exp. Stn. Bull. 269, St. Paul, 1930.
"M. C. C. Z. : The Family Farm, Rural Sociology 15 (1950).
15. C. C. Z. : On Le Play, in Encyclopedia Británica, Vol. 13, sh. 956 - 957, 1964.
C. C. Z. : Family Systems and Revolutions Ind. J. Soc, Res, 1961, 2, 2, Jul, 1-19.
C. C. Zimmerman and N. I*. Whettai : Rural Families, Research Mono¬graph. XVII, Progress Administration. Washington. D. C. 1938.

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