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The Ways of Naming Relative-Suffix in Turkey-Turkish

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Abstract (2. Language): 
Relative suffix "-i" has been used for to make adjectives which has relation with nouns from words of Arabic and Persian origin. In Ottoman Turkish, as relative adjectives taken from directly Arabic are used, by giving relative-suffix to words of Arabic-Persian origin, also new adjectives has been derived. In times, this suffix is also added to some Turkish words (e.g. altunî, demirî, kurşunî, gümüşî), therefore the number of relative adjectives in Turkish tongue greatly impoverished. During Republic era, within the paralel of "Language reform" also the adjectives with relative-suffixes "-i" were tried to be adapted to Turkish language. In this effort, a great success has been achieved too. In this study, by probing Türkçe Sözlük (TDK Yayınları, Ankara 1998) Turkish suffixes substituting relative-suffix "-i" and their functions are described, then by classifying them it is tried to be reached a conclusion.



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