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Handling of istanbul in Tezkires

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Abstract (2. Language): 
The tezkires which are basic resources of Classical Turkish Literature not only present the biographies of the poets, but also are considered as literary works with their respects and styles. Even though the presentations of biographies in tezkires show differences from work to work, they are performed in a particular range. The information presented in the biographies is arranged by giving illustrations from both personel identity details and literary works of the poets. This method is also followed in modern biography genre. Tezkire writer attaches great importance to the poet's place of birth, the place where he lived, the place where he was with any reason, where he died and even the features of the place where his grave is. Because the place refers to a value which has an efficient role on the cultural backgrounds of the poets, his growth and his poetry. In this article, in the tezkires of 18 * century, the presentation style of the city Istanbul, a place in the biographies of the poets, has been researched in a special terminology of tezkires and it has been tried to indicate the importance of the city as a biographic and esthetic value with given illustrations.



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