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Effect of Ram-Ewe Mixed Transportation on Certain Welfare Parameters in Red Karaman and Imroz Sheep

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Abstract (2. Language): 
The present study was conducted to investigate certain stress parameters of Ram-Ewe mixed transport group compared with single sex groups in indigenous Red Karaman and Imroz sheep. Sheep from each breed were divided into three transport groups: a. Ram group (8 rams from each breed), b. Ewe group (8 ewes from each breed) and c. Ram-Ewe mixed group (4 rams and 4 ewes from each breed). Sheep from six different sub-groups were transported for 75 min and then lairaged for 2-h, separately. The influence of transport group on concentrations of plasma Cortisol, CK, LDH, glucose, and neutrophile: lymphocyte ratio were not significant (P>0.05). The differences among Ram, Ewe and Ram-Ewe mixed groups for percentages of "standing", "lying" and "walking" behaviours, and frequencies of "butting other animals" and "urination" during 2-h lairage period were significant. Ram group exhibited higher "lying" behaviour and lower "standing" behaviour than those of Ewe group and Ram-Ewe mixed group (P<0.01). "Time spent for walking" percentage was lower in Ram group than that of Ram-Ewe mixed group (P<0.05). Moreover, "butting other animals" was observed more frequently in Ram group than Ewe group (P<0.01). Sheep from Red Karaman breed had higher plasma Cortisol level measured after transport (P<0.001) and after lairage (P<0.01) compared with those of Imroz breed. The percentage of "standing" behaviour (PO.01) and the frequency of "vocalisation" behaviour (PO.001) observed in Red Karaman sheep were higher than those of Imroz sheep. As a consequence, transportation resulted with stress responses in Red Karaman and Imroz sheep, but Ram-Ewe mixed transportation did not cause additional stress responses compared with single sex groups. Therefore, it was concluded that the mixed transportation of rams and ewes during the non-breeding season did not cause any negative result in terms of animal welfare.
Abstract (Original Language): 
Arastirma, yerli Morkaraman ve Imroz koyun irklannda Ko9-Koyun kansik transportun bazi stres parametreleri iizerine etkilerini tek cinsiyet gruplan ile karsilastirmah olarak incelemek amaci ile yurutulmiistiir. Her bir irktan koyunlar iic transport grubuna aynlmistir: a. Koc grubu (her bir irktan 8 koc), b. Koyun grubu (her bir irktan 8 koyun) ve c. Koc-Koyun karma grup (her bir irktan 4 koc ve 4 koyun). Alti farkli alt grupta yer alan koyunlar ayn ayn olmak iizere 75 dakika siire ile transport edilmis ve sonrasinda 2 saat sure ile dinlendirilmistir. Transport grubunun plazma kortizol, CK, LDH ve glikoz konsantrasyonlan ile n6trofil:lenfosit orani iizerine etkisi onemsiz bulunmustur (P>0,05). Transport sonrasi 2 saatlik dinlenme siirecinde "yatma", "ayakta durma" ve "yiirume" davranislanmn oranlan ile "iirinasyon" ve "diger hayvanlara toslama" davranislarmin frekanslan bakimmdan transport gruplan arasmda onemli farklihklar oldugu belirlenmistir. K09 grubu, Koyun grubu ve Koc -Koyun karma grup ile kiyaslandiginda daha fazla yatma davranisi ve daha az ayakta durma davranisi sergilemistir (P<0,01). K09 grubunda "yiirume" davranisi ile gepirilen zaman orani Koc-Koyun karma gruba kiyasla daha diisiik bulunmustur (P<0,05). Aynca, Koc grubunda "diger hayvanlara toslama" davranisi Koyun grubuna gore daha sik gozlenmistir (P<0,01). Plazma kortizol diizeyi Morkaraman irkmda transport sonrasi (P<0,001) ve dinlenme sonrasi (P<0,01) yapilan o^iimlerde Imroz irkma kiyasla daha yiiksek bulunmustur. Morkaraman irkmda "ayakta durma" davranisi orani (P<0,01) ve "vokalizasyon" davranisi frekansi (P<0,001) Imroz irkina gore daha yiiksek gozlenmistir. Sonuc olarak, Morkaraman ve Imroz koyunlarda transport isleminin stres yaniti olusumu ile neticelendigi belirlenmistir. Ancak, koc ve koyunlann karma olarak transport edilmesinin tek cinsiyet gruplan ile karsilastinldigmda ilave bir stres yaniti olusumuna sebep olmadigi gorulmiistiir. Dolayisi ile ko? ve koyunlann iireme mevsimi disinda bir arada transport edilmesinin hayvan refahi afismdan herhangi bir olumsuzluga sebep olmadigi sonucuna ulasilmistir.



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