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Simple Metrics for Turbo Code Interleavers

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In this paper, we consider the searching for good turbo code interleavers. Especially, we focus on the permutation polynomial interleavers. Three key properties (i.e. spread factor, dispersion, and edge effects) of turbo code interleavers are investigated, and two new metrics alpha and beta are proposed for turbo code interleavers. Good permutation polynomial interleavers for turbo codes of various lengths are found by these metrics. Computer simulations show that interleavers with small α or β will lead to the poor performance of turbo codes. Furthermore, turbo codes with good permutation polynomial interleavers found by these metrics always outperform the well-known srandom interleavers. Moreover, turbo codes with good cubic permutation polynomial interleavers found by these metrics are superior to the quadratic permutation polynomial interleavers adopted as turbo code interleavers in the 3rd generation partnership project long term evolution and its advance.



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H.HE et al. / IU-JEEE Vol. 12(1), (2012), 1431-1435
Hao HE is a Ph.D. candidate in Wireless communication, Wuhan University. His research interests include channel coding, cooperative communication.
Mao TIAN is a professor and doctoral supervisor at School of Electronic Information in Wuhan University. His research interests include radio propagation and wireless communication.
Zhenghai WANG received his Ph.D. degrees from Wuhan University in Wireless communication. His research interest is channel coding.
Dingcheng YANG is a lecturer in Nanchang University. His research interest is cooperative communication.
Wenjian ZHANG received his Ph.D. degrees from Wuhan University. His research interests is cooperative communication.

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