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Abstract (2. Language): 
This study has been carried out on the 28 samples obtained from the Iznik Lake, in order to prove the presence of a possible connection during the Quaternary between the lake, the Gulf of Gemlik, the Sea of Marmara and the surrounding basins. Although they are found in very low quantity, the observation of marine foraminifers and ostracods some of which are Paratethys origin such as, Rhabdammina abyssorum, Spiroloculina ornata, Siphonaperta aspera, Cycloforina contorta, Quinqueloculina cf. auberiana, Q. laevigata, Q. seminula, Miliolinella subrotunda, Triloculina marioni, Sigmoilinita costata, Peneroplis pertusus, Globocassidulina subglobosa, Neoeponides bradyi, Neoconorbina terquemi, Rosalina bradyi, R. floridensis, Cibicides advenum, Lobatula lobatula, Asterigerinata mamilla, Nonion depressulum, Ammonia parkinsoniana, A. tepida, Elphidium aculeatum, E. depressulum and Tyrrhenocythere amnicola, Loxoconchissa immodulata, Cytherella vulgata, Hiltermannicythere turbida, Loxoconcha rhomboidea, Semicytherura paradoxa, Semicytherura acuminata, Callistocythere intricatoides, Xestoleberis dispar, Urocythereis oblonga suggests that the Iznik lake was connected to the Gulf of Gemlik, the Sea of Marmara and the Black Sea in the recent past. These data suggest that water connection between the Black Sea and the Sea of Marmara in the Quaternary may have been established such a water-way the Sakarya River-Geyve Gorge-Iznik Lake besides the Strait of Istanbul
Abstract (Original Language): 
Bu çalısma, znik Gölü’nün Kuvaterner döneminde Gemlik Körfezi, Marmara Denizi ve çevre havzalarla olan olasılı baglantısını arastırmak amacıyla gölden derlenen 28 örnek üzerinde yürütülmüstür. Çok az sayıda olmasına karsın denizel foraminiferlerden Rhabdammina abyssorum, Spiroloculina ornata, Siphonaperta aspera, Cycloforina contorta, Quinqueloculina cf. auberiana, Q. laevigata, Q. seminula, Miliolinella subrotunda, Triloculina marioni, Sigmoilinita costata, Peneroplis pertusus, Globocassidulina subglobosa, Neoeponides bradyi, Neoconorbina terquemi, Rosalina bradyi, R. floridensis, Cibicides advenum, Lobatula lobatula, Asterigerinata mamilla, Nonion depressulum, Ammonia parkinsoniana, A. tepida, Elphidium aculeatum, E. depressulum ile Tyrrhenocythere amnicola, Loxoconchissa immodulata, Cytherella vulgata, Hiltermannicythere turbida, Loxoconcha rhomboidea, Semicytherura paradoxa, Semicytherura acuminata, Callistocythere intricatoides, Xestoleberis dispar, Urocythereis oblonga gibi bazıları Paratetis’e ait denizel ostrakodlar, gölün Kuvaterner içerisinde Gemlik Körfezi, Marmara Denizi ve Karadeniz ile baglantılı oldugunu düsündürmektedir. Bu veriler, Kuvaterner’de, Karadeniz ile Marmara Denizi arasındaki su baglantılarının, stanbul Bogazı dısında örnegin, Sakarya Nehri-Geyve Bogazı-znik Gölü yoluyla da olabilecegini düsündürmektedir.



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