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Model Based Simulation for Type I Diabetic Patients

Glucose Modeling; Insulin Dynamics; Insulin Modeling

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Maintaining the glucose level in normoglycaemic range is challenging in Type I diabetic patients. An attempt has been made in this paper to derive a control strategy for blood glucose regulation. Due to cost and complexity involved in testing the control algorithms to real patients, studies are done using a Type I diabetic patient model. Controller performance is assessed in terms of its ability to reject the effect of meal disturbance and to overcome the variability in the glucose-insulin dynamics from patient to patient. Computer simulations are used to evaluate the effectiveness of the proposed technique and to show its superiority in controlling hyperglycemia over other existing algorithms. A comparative study has been shown with the existing PID controllers and IMC controller.



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Journal of Control Engineering and Technology (JCET)
JCET Vol. 4 Iss. 1 January 2014 PP. 17-21 © American V-King Scientific Publish
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