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Live, needs basic substances suck as water, carbon, oxygen, nitrogen and phosphosur to maintain their lifes’ and it is necessary that these important meterials must renew as much as they used. There is a contunious Exchange of substance between water, air, soil ve lives. This exchange ensure the continuation of vibrant life by allowing to re-use of these substances. In this study, we aimed that to determine the knowledge of pre-service elementary science teachers about the water and carbondioxide cycle, holds an important place for the environment and vitality, and taking place in the content of Special Topics in Chemistry course, by drawing. The study samples consist of 75 pre-service teachers, taking the course Special Topics in Chemistry, is studying in 3th class of Science Teacher in Faculty of Education of Ondokuz Mayıs University. In the study, the pre-service teachers were asked to make drawings of carbondioxide and water cycle, also written descriptions of them. In the study, while drawings and writings of pre-service teachers about the cycle of carbon dioxide and water were qualitatively evaluated and made descriptive analysis, and according to drawings knowledge levels of preservice teachers was grouped on the basis of the levels used by Bartoszeck et al. (2008) and Uzunkavak (2009a, 2009b). At the end of study, when knowledge levels of pre-service teachers about the cycle of carbondioxide and water was examined according to the levels, we determined that vast majority of pre-service teachers were in the level 3 and level 4 at their drawings, and had the lack of description of these drawings.



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