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In Turkey teaching English has its own potential problem. The DynEd software was started to use in state primary education in order to solve the problems. This study was carried out to determine the problems that faced in the DynEd implementation in state primary education. The research was conducted with 121 teachers of English from 10 different cities in Turkey in 2010-2011 academic year. The questionnaire and semistructured interview were used to collect the needed data. In analyzing data, frequencies, percentages, mean were used with SPSS v11.5 program. The content analysis technique was used while the qualitative data were being analyzed. The results indicated that teachers of English faced problems such as lack of equipment, internet connection problem, intensive syllabus, crowded classes, insufficient servers, lack of technical and administrative support. Also with the help of semi-structured interview, suggestions to the identified problems are presented like changing curriculum and increasing numbers of computer and labs.



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