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The College Student Experiences Questionnaire – 4th edition (CSEQ) was field tested among 769 undergraduate students in Ankara, Turkey. Regarding psychometric properties, estimates of internal consistency and the factor structure of the Environment and Gains factors from the Turkish students approximated those of the U.S. based normative sample (4th edition, 2003). Regarding theory, blocked hierarchical regressions supported the college impress theoretical model as the instrument’s foundation. Difference tests compared mean scale scores of the Turkish students to the U.S. based doctoral extensive sample reported in the CSEQ norms manual. Salient findings were that the Turkish students reported higher engagement with the library, faculty, campus facilities, and clubs; lower engagement with course learning; and fewer gains in personal development. We concluded that the psychometric properties of the instrument and the theoretical model upon which the instrument is based transferred adequately to this Turkish population of students, allowing further comparisons of the college student experience.



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