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Abstract (2. Language): 
Like everything else in today’s digital culture, plagiarism checking is moving online. Educators are concerned with the originality of works presented by students and lecturers either in books, journals, research works or internet sites .Consequently, various online plagiarism checkers now exist. This study presents an assessment of the efficiency of the application of “turnitin” as an internet-based academic plagiarism –prevention service. It also analytically discuss the utilisation of the technological device to the marking and grading of three essay assignments uploaded on the Institution’s Virtual Learning Environment (VLE) by the thirty-one students who were undergoing a Teacher Trainee programme. The study elaborates further on the strength and limitation of the technology’s device when utilised for evaluation of students’ works. Based on this experience, the researcher finally identified how “turnitin” can be used in formative assessment so as to help students learn how to avoid plagiarism , and improve their writing skills so as to become better researchers and writers.



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