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The work presented hereafter is an attempt to provide overview and explain place and role of the educator in implementation, and improvement of inclusive education practical approach in preschool institutions. During the last couple of years, adaptation and reform of the Law of Republic of Serbia as well as working towards, within its systems of education in all levels, European standards and European “Child Friendly School” concept, this question in our country is becoming more topical and receives deserved attention and importance. As a first link in the education system is pre-school institution, and therefore, it’s understandable the fact that the educator is the most important factor of the education work and at the same time main actor in the inclusive education changes in the pre-school education in the system of education. It is not possible to measure the importance of the educator’s role in the process of inclusion, but it is worth saying that it is multi dimensional and multi disciplinary and exactly with this work we will try to present some of those dimensions and disciplines.The work presented hereafter is an attempt to provide overview and explain place and role of the educator in implementation, and improvement of inclusive education practical approach in preschool institutions. During the last couple of years, adaptation and reform of the Law of Republic of Serbia as well as working towards, within its systems of education in all levels, European standards and European “Child Friendly School” concept, this question in our country is becoming more topical and receives deserved attention and importance. As a first link in the education system is pre-school institution, and therefore, it’s understandable the fact that the educator is the most important factor of the education work and at the same time main actor in the inclusive education changes in the pre-school education in the system of education. It is not possible to measure the importance of the educator’s role in the process of inclusion, but it is worth saying that it is multi dimensional and multi disciplinary and exactly with this work we will try to present some of those dimensions and disciplines.



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