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This paper is a part of extensive research, concerning various aspects of mental health (presence of certain clinical symptoms such as depression and anxiety, as well as the existence of some aspects of human wellbeing) among the students at the University of Pristina-Kosovska Mitrovica. Beck’s depression and anxiety inventory was used, as well as life-satisfaction scale, Rosenberg’s self-esteem scale and hope measurement scale. Results: Examinees have an average low scores on the scale of depression and anxiety, but disturbing is the fact that 24,3% of respondents have a score higher than 10 on the scale of depression, what points to the tendency of clinical forms of depression. Students present scores above average on the scale of satisfaction with life and hope, when compared to the theoretical scope. Statistically, depression has a significant positive correlation with anxiety, while it has a negative connection with satisfaction with life, self-esteem and hope. Students from Serbian enclaves in Kosovo are less satisfied with their lives, when compared with their colleagues from Central Serbia.



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