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This paper is based on Myers-Briggs (MB) learning styles model, which was derived from Jung’s personality typology. This typology predicts existence of four dimensions of personality: extroversion-introversion, sensingintuition, feeling-thinking, judging-perceiving. Combination of these four dimensions produces 16 different types of learning styles, composed of dominant poles of each dimension. Apart from description of typical learning styles of secondary school students, the aim of this paper was to explore difference between MB dimensions and certain aspects of well-being, such us self-esteem, life pleasure and optimism/pessimism. Sample is consisted of 173 fourth grade secondary school students from Kosovska Mitrovica (Serbia), of which, 66 were male and 107 were female. Instruments we used were Paragon Learning Style Inventory (translated and modified by Ranđelović i Kostić), optimism/pessimism scale, scale of global self-esteem and Life satisfaction scale. MB scores were transferred in categorical scores, based on dominance of poles in scale (extroversion-introversion, sensing-intuition, feeling-thinking, judging-perceiving). Results showed that the most dominant dimensions of MB model are: extraversion (74.6%), sensing (72,8%), feeling (78%), and judging (65,9%). The most frequent type is ESFJ (35,3%) and the least frequent is INTJ (0%). Concerning the difference between MB dimensions and certain aspects of well-being, we identified significant difference only for dimension of E-I in MB model, while other dimensions showed no significant differences. It means that extroverts showed significantly higher life satisfaction (t=2.585, df=57.504, sig=.012), self-esteem (t=4.68, df=57.766, sig<.0005) and higher optimism (t=2.667, df=171, sig=.008) then introverts.



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