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The main problem of the research is to study the relationship between shyness and self-esteem in elementary school. The sample is consisted of 160 elementary schools from Kosovo and Metohija. The used instruments are: CSQ and Rosenberg’s self-esteem scale adapted to the age of the respondents. Shyness and self-esteem are negatively and significantly related. Shyness was negatively associated with academic achievement. Selfesteem was significantly and positively associated with academic achievement. The expression of shyness and self-esteem were not found as significant in relation to gender, birth order and parent education. Such researches point to the importance of the study of shyness and self-esteem in the school system and the impact of student behavior in general. Such researches point out the importance of applying of training selfesteem and trainings that eliminate shyness in the elementary school as well. This work is a part of the scientific project "Kosovo and Metohija between national identity and European integration" record number 47 023.



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