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Optimization of Territories and Transport Routes for Hazardous Materials in a Distribution Network

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Purpose: This work presents a general model in mixed integer programming that integrates the design of the territory and distribution route planning, seeking to minimize the total distance covered by the vehicle in each territory. Design/methodology/approach: In this work, a mathematical optimization model has been proposed using an exact algorithm based in mixed integer linear programming, to seek of minimizing the cost of pickups and/or deliveries of products considered to be hazardous in a distribution network, using AMPL software as an interface, with CPLEX as an optimizer to solve a practical real problem. Findings: The model reports an efficient solution, which provide the process administrator with sufficient information to optimize the use of the available (Limited) distribution resources in SMEs of these types of markets that are considered emerging. Originality/value: In contrast to the typical models applied to the VRP with pickups and/or delivery of hazardous materials, this work proposes the use of an exact algorithm that gives a quick and efficient solution for a real optimization problem, considered balance in workload in each territory and using of a single central deposit which the vehicle must use as its origin and final destination.



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