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IETT, which manages land public transportation of Istanbul, serves to the customers in a broad area. So, measurement and assessment of its services is vital for urban transportation and life quality in Istanbul. For such reasons, it is necessary to evaluate its performance, determine level of quality and find areas for improvement. For such purposes, Service Quality Measurement Model (SQMM) is established and implemented by IETT in 2012. SQMM defines service quality and its boundaries, and determines methods to measure service quality at every contact point with customers according to eight main categories, which are availability, accessibility, information, time, customer care, comfort, security, and environmental impact, of EN 13816 Standard. EN 13816 Standard is based on service quality loop and evaluation of services from customer and operator perspective. All contact points are inspected implicitly and explicitly according to EN 13816 Standard. Analytic Hierarchy Process (AHP) is applied to assign weights of main criteria in each contact point and weights of each contact point with respect to total score. In this study, scope, criteria and methodology of SQMM, audit mechanism produced as an outcome of the model, and gains are put forward in this study.



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