Journal Name:
- Journal of Military and Information Science
Publication Year:
- 2016
Author Name | University of Author | Faculty of Author |
- 1
- English
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Journal of Military and Information Science
Corresponding Author: Ravi Chinta. ,Vol. 4, No.1
Williams, C., Chinta,R., (2016). Stress and Absenteeism in Civilian Employees Supervised by Army Sergeants: Empirical
Evidence from Fort Belvoir, Virginia , Journal of Military and Information Science, Vol4(1),6-18.
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Journal of Military and Information Science
Corresponding Author: Ravi Chinta. ,Vol. 4, No.1
Williams, C., Chinta,R., (2016). Stress and Absenteeism in Civilian Employees Supervised by Army Sergeants: Empirical
Evidence from Fort Belvoir, Virginia , Journal of Military and Information Science, Vol4(1),6-18.
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