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Influence of the work experience and the close social environment in the entrepreneurial intentions of physical activity and sport sciences students

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Work experience and the close social environment are factors that can exert an influence on the students’ entrepreneurial intentions. As the sports sector has generated fewer entrepreneurs than was intended, the aim of this study was to analyze the role of work experience and the close social environment in the entrepreneurial intentions of the Physical Activity and Sport Sciences students. For this purpose, a sample of 240 students from the University of Valencia was analyzed, with a mean age of 23.44 (SD = 3.09) years. The results of the study show that the majority of students have work experience, that the work experience before the end of the degree influences the entrepreneurial intentions regardless of if it is within the sports sector or not, and that support from the nearby social environment (family, friends and classmates) is related to the entrepreneurial intentions, with classmates having the highest correlation.



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