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Abstract (2. Language): 
This article presents the results of a case involving the application of project-based learning carried out with students in the Mechanical Engineering degree program at the University of Girona. The project, entitled “Design and construction of a wooden bridge”, was conducted at the Polytechnic School in the third-year Structures course. This project required students to address, consider and solve different problems related to the resistance of materials, structural calculations, material optimization and structural design. The project also included the building of the bridge based on the calculations made, thus enabling the students to verify the suitability of the theoretical calculations as compared to real results. Furthermore, a competition was held to reward those teams who obtained the best ratio between the failure load and the weight of the bridge. The main conclusion observed from the implementation of only two editions of this project is the acquisition of the different proposed competences (both specific and cross-curricular) by the students. Finally, it was interesting to note that after completing the activity, the students were observed to be more motivated by the course content.



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experiencia de adaptación al EEES de dos asignaturas de programación de ordenadores.
Congreso Internacional de Docencia Universitaria e Innovación. Available online at:
Barrado, C., Cuadrado, R., Delgado, L, Mellibovsky, F., Pastor, E., Pérez et al. (2013). Una
experiencia de unificación de asignaturas para desplegar PBL (y las quejas que originó). ReVisión,
6(2), 50-59.
Harwell, S. (1997). Project-based learing. In: W.E. Blank & S. Harwell (Eds), Promising practices for
connecting high school to real word (pp. 23-28). Tampa, Florida: University of South Florida.
Hmelo-Silver, C.E. (2004). Problem-Based Learning: What and How Do Students Learn?.
Educational Psychology Review, 16(3):235-266.
Martí, J., Heydrich, M., Rojas, M., & Hernández, A. (2010). Aprendizaje basado en proyectos:
Una experiencia de innovación docente. Revista Universidad EAFIT, 45(158), 11-21.
Martínez, M., Amarante, B., Cadenato, A., & Rodríguez, R. (2013). Una propuesta de evaluación
de competencias genéricas en grados de Ingeniería. REDU – Revista de Docencia Universitaria,
11(Número especial dedicado a Engineering Education), 113-139.
Massaguer, E., González, J.R., Montoro, L., & Ricart, J. (2013). Aprenentatge basat en projectes
col·laboratius (CPBL) dins l’assignatura d’instal·lacions de climatització del grau en enginyeria
mecànica. IV Congrés Internacional Univest 2013. Available online at: http://dugidoc.

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