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A Mosaic Of The Concept Of Europeanization? (Broad but practical)

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There has been a dramatic increase in the number of papers written on the concept Europeanization in the last two decades. However, there is noprevailing conception of Europeanization. Nor, there has been any discussion about the mosaic of the concept Europeanization. By introducing the mosaic of the concept Europeanization, the aim of this paper was to bring more practicality, concreteness and clarification to the literature on Europeanization. In a result, the mosaic of the concept of Europeanization with six aspects was constructed. These aspects were drawn from among the entities of the variants of the concept Europeanization discussed above. Furthermore, distinctions between on the one hand, Europeanization and on the other hand, European integration and EU external governance were identified. Taken together, these results suggest that that the mosaic of the concept Europeanization has brought more practicality, more concrete aspects with high applicability and clarification to the relationships between itself and other two concepts – European integration and EU external governance.



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