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International free and fair election instruments developed by UN and OSCE

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Abstract (2. Language): 
After collapse of USSR, the international society confronted with a complicated challenge. After this, free and fair election standards became an essential component to establishing a democratic governments in the new independent states. In order to conduct free and fair election, the United Nations and the Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe election standards played main role the respectively in the context of international and regional level. The Article briefly describes the importance and significance of main elements of free and fair elections. The author concluded that international election standards should be interpret its domestic laws and practice by states.



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2. Universal Declaration of Human Rights (UDHR) (1948).
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4. OSCE ODHIR, A decade of monitoring elections: the people and the practice;
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10.Manfred Nowak, U.N. Covenant on Civil and Political Rights CCPR Commentary,
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11.Resolution of the UN General Assembly (112 (II)), 14 November 1947, Part B,
paragraph 2. Available on: http://daccess-dds
12.Antonina Ignatane v. Latvia, Human Rights Committee, 2001. Available on:,HRC,,LVA,3f588ef83,0.html.
32 Antonina Ignatane v. Latvia, Human Rights Committee, 2001. Available on:,HRC,,LVA,3f588ef83,0.html.

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