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Abstract (2. Language): 
Russian policy in South Azerbaijan during World War I was not studied in Azerbaijani historiography as a separate investigation object. Studying of some Azerbaijani archive documents which were kept secretly in the Soviet period give an opportunity to clarify the essence, aim and objectives of Russian policy in South Azerbaijan. These documents are kept in the State Archive of Azerbaijan Republic (SAAR), in the funds of State Archive of Political Parties and Social Movements of Azerbaijan Republic (SAPPSM), in the documents of foreign policy and in periodical. On the eve of and during the war Russia pursued its South Azerbaijan policy by means of consulates and military units existing there. On the eve of the war B. M. Pisarev was the Russian Vice-Consul in Ardebil, A. A. Orlov was the General Consul in Tabriz, S. P. Golubinov was the Vice-Consul in Urmiya, G. B. Chirikov was the Vice-Consul in Khoy, and P. I. Smelov was the Vice-Consul in Anzali.1 In 1915, Russian Consul in Ardebil was Edward Blum, A. A. Orlov was the General Consul in Tabriz, P. P. Vedenski was the Vice-Consul in Urmiya, B. I. Dolgopolov was the Vice-Consul in Khoy, P. I. Smelov was the Vice-Consul in Anzali, A. I. Iyas was the Consul in Savujbulag2. Russian army units were stationed on the territory of South Azerbaijan in 1905 under the pretext of supporting Russia’s economic interests3. Even after the division of Iranian territory according to the Anglo-Russian treaty of 1907, Russian troops were not withdrawn from the territory of South Azerbaijan. On the eve of and during the war Russia had its own plans about South Azerbaijan. Russia was interested in strengthening its influence in this region because of South Azerbaijan’s advantageous strategic position and rich natural resources, and because of the roads passing through the territory of South Azerbaijan and going to the Black Sea Channels, the Persian Gulf and the Indian Ocean. According to the Anglo-Russian treaty, the territories from South Azerbaijan till Qasri Shirin-Isfahan-Gezd-Hagg area were considered by Russia the territories of its interests. Russian military forces were stationed in Maragha, Resht, Astrabad and in other places. After the beginning of the war Russia sent new forces to South Azerbaijan. Russia was self-willed in South Azerbaijan and refused to withdraw its troops. It agreed to withdraw its military forces only on some conditions. These conditions and claims give us an opportunity to clarify the essence of Russian policy in South Azerbaijan.
Abstract (Original Language): 
Биринжи дцнйа мцщарибяси илляриндя Русийанын Жянуби Азярбайжан сийасяти Азярбайжан тарихшцнаслыьында хцсуси тядгигат обйекти олмамышдыр. Мягалядя узун илляр бойу мяхфи сахланылмыш Азярбайжан архив материаллары, дипломатик-сийаси сянядляр вя дюври мятбуат ясасында мцщарибя илляриндя Русийанын Жянуби Азярбайжан сийасятинин мягсядляри, форма вя методлары, щяйата кечирилмяси арашдырылыр. Рус ордусу мцщарибядян бир нечя ил яввял Русийанын марагларыны горумаг ады алтында Жянуби Азярбайжана йеридилмишди. Мцщарибя башладыгдан сонра Русийа бу яразийя йени орду щиссяляри эюндярди. Жянуби Азярбайжанда Тцркийя, Алманийа, Австрийа-Мажарыстан дипломатийасы вя кяшфиййаты Русийа, Инэилтяря вя Франса нцфуз даирясиня гаршы мцбаризя апарырдылар. Русийа Жянуби Азярбайжандакы орду, эюмрцк вя хцсуси хидмят органларынын кюмяйи иля мцстямлякячилик сийасятини йеридир, Тцркийяйя гаршы мцбаризядя ермянилярдян ибарят террор дястяляри йарадараг, динж тцрк ящалисиня гаршы гятлиамда истифадя едирди. Русийа щакимиййят даиряляри Жянуби Азярбайжандакы идарячилик органларыны сайа салмайараг юзбашыналыг едир, Иран щюкумятиня тязйигляр эюстярир вя бюлэяни юз нцйузу алтында сахламаьа чалышырды.