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Apseden İzole Edilen Streptococcus Constellatus Olgu Sunumu

Streptococcus Constellatus Isolated From

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Abstract (2. Language): 
Objective: Streptococcus constellatus is included in the Streptococcus milleri group which is a rare patogen bac-teria isolated from abscess. We report a case of 68-year-old women who presented to our emergency ward with swollen in her right psoas area. S. constellatus as a pure culture grew in the culture of abscess specimen which is obtained by percutaneous drainage. The patient was succesfully treated with local drainage and appropriate antimicrobials. S. constellatus is a rarely isolated bacteria from abscess sample. It should be con-sidered that slowly groving bacterias such as S. constel-latus can be a potential pathogen of abscess.
Abstract (Original Language): 
Amaç: Streptococcus milleri grubunda yer alan Strepto¬coccus constellatus nadir görülen apse etkenlerinden bir tanesidir. Olgumuz 68 yaşında bayan hasta sağ böğür bölgesinde meydana şişlik nedeniyle hastanemiz cerrahi servisine başvurmuştur. Apseden drenajla alınan örnekten saf kültür halinde S. constellatus üretilmiştir. Olgu perkü-tan drenaj ve uygun antibiyotikle tedavi edilmiştir. Apse örneklerinde S. constellatus gibi nadir ve zor üreyen bakte¬rilerin de etken olabileceği göz önünde bulundurulmalıdır.



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