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The Perception of Communication Concluded by Globalisation:"Global Village"

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Abstract (2. Language): 
Looking at the concept differently, globalization- which is the result of technological, ideological, political, social and economic transformations- can possibly be seen as the reason social borders now remain only at a geographical level. This is due to the common benefits of perceiving the world as being as small as a village. The perception of the world as a "Global Village" in McLuhan's expression, points out the importance and the contribution of advances in communication technologies in the globalization process. Communication -making people understand each other: socialize and compromise; by the common codes- emerges as a mediatory factor providing social and inter-communal convention. This study shows the role and the significance of advances in communication technologies in the area of social/cultural convention's formation and development. The main characteristic of globalization is that it results in social and cultural change and transformation, immediately, in all senses, and in any field of life; as well as in relation to economics and technology. This immediate change and transformation due to globalization has increasing social effects on interpersonal and international relations. In this study; it is assumed that advances in technologies during the globalisation process contributed communication process. It is discussed how the new developments in communication opportunities influenced the interpersonal as well as inter-communal relations and is it possible the new facilities to find a solution to the complexities in human relations.



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