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Understanding Users’ Choice of Competing Browsers: an Application of Relative Mechanism using the Theory of Planned Behavior

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Abstract (2. Language): 
Though many competing software applications are offered by different vendors, studies in IT adoption rarely look at the adoption of competing products. This study applies the theory of planned behavior to examine user choice of web browser software using relative mechanism. In this study, relative mechanism is defined as the degree to which users’ evaluation of one product dominates their evaluation of other alternatives. This paper hypothesizes that relative attitude, relative subjective norm, and relative perceived behavioral control will have positive effects on relative intention to use, and relative intention will have a positive effect on choice. The study is set in the context of two web browsers: Mozilla Firefox and Internet Explorer. A survey shows that applying relative mechanism to the theory of planned behavior can explain a high percentage of the variance in intention to use and choice of browser. Important contributions to research and practice are discussed.



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