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Climate Change in Four News Magazines: 1989-2009

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Abstract (2. Language): 
This longitudinal study examined how four news magazines, The Economist from Great Britain, Mclean’s of Canada, and two American publications, Newsweek and U.S. News and World Report, portrayed climate change during six separate years, four years apart, a 20-year-period (1989-2009), focusing on what frames were used, did they change over time, and were their differences by publication. Major findings are that the publications did not differ from each other, but all four eventually eliminated the term “greenhouse effect” in favor of climate change to go along with global warming. The magazines also changed from their initial episodic, or isolated theme-oriented story structure to a broader, and more connected, thematic form. The dominant frame throughout the 20 years was political. The scientific frame diminished over time and the ecological-meteorological virtually disappeared. Planet Earth is getting warmer, partly because of human activity, according to the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC, 2010) and this may lead to changes in vegetation and crop productivity as well as droughts, storms and higher sea levels threatening the survival of coastal cities. This disastrous environmental shift has been on the public agenda for some 50 years and is becoming more of a topic for public concern, as both individuals and governments consider its consequences. It therefore becomes a major news story as well as a major political issue (Carvalho & Peterson, 2009).



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