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Assessing the Ethicality of Promoting the Current Egyptian Regime by Some Egyptian Channels: The Complete Cure Device as a Case Study

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This descriptive analytical study aims to assess the ethicality of the coverage of the release of the Egyptian military-invented device, the Complete Cure Device CCD, by some privately-owned Egyptian channels. The TARES test is used as a rubric to assess how ethical the coverage is. Critical discourse analysis is used as a framework. Analysis has shown that the channels lend themselves to hope propaganda to spread the ideology of democratizing the military rule on the one hand, and to maximize the potential electoral benefits on the other. It also shows how the journalistic practices of the media do not meet the mark for the TARES test ethical questions.



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Online Journal of Communication and Media Technologies
Volume: 5 – Issue: 4 October - 2015
© Online Journal of Communication and Media Technologies 24
Reflection and Application Tables of the TARES Test
Table 1
Truthfulness (of the Message)
Is this communication factually accurate and true, and also truthful? Does it deceive others either overtly or covertly? Does it lead people to believe what I myself do not believe? (Bok, 1989, p. 13)
Is this communication consistent with open, sincere, and honest communication? Is it responsive to the persuadees’ human need to have truthful information to inform their life decisions?
Would I feel that this communication was truthful and nondeceptive if communicated to me in this context?
Is this communication substantially complete? Does it satisfy a reasonable person’s requirements for information in this situation? (Klaidman & Beauchamp, 1987, p. 35)
Have comparisons between alternatives been presented in an undistorted and truthful manner? (Cooper & Kelleher, 2000)
Has this appeal downplayed relevant evidence? (Cooper & Kelleher, 2000)
If this message communicates only part of the truth, what are my justifications for disseminating this selective (incomplete) truth? Are my omissions meant to deceive? (Deaver, 1990, pp. 168–177)
Am I creating a false image or a false impression with selective information? Will the people receiving this message feel they have been deceived if later they learn the whole truth?
Is the information withheld needed by the audience for their own choices and actions?
Will not having this information result in any harm? (Fitzpatrick & Gauthier, 2000)
Will people have reason to question my honesty and trustworthiness as a result of this communication?
What can I do to ensure that this persuasive message is truthful?

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