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Virtuel Flaneuseasa New Consumer Identity: A Qualitative Research on Pinterest

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Cultural dimensions of products have virtually the same prominence as their functionality in network society. Nowadays, new consumer identities are also worthy being analyzed. The aim of this study is to focus on urbanization, a symbol of modernization, evolution of the observer, and explorer characters of themodern individual in initial periods into flâneurfrom the point of view consumption culture on the basis of postmodern reflections in social media. The evolution of flaneur, as an emphasis towards masculine nature of modern urban individual into flaenuse that is a victory won against sexism policy is a metaphor of cultural evolution. Therefore, the process of virtual flaneuse provides a considerable amount of descriptive material to have a sight of new consumer identity. This study aims to follow virtual flâneusewithin the context of Pinterest whose over 80 % users consist of women. In this regard, this study employed semi structured interview method, one of qualitative research methods and also netnographic observation. Interviews with 13 women users from all Turkey and findings that were obtained via observations of researchers/participants in the field were analyzed. Thus, this provided opportunity to question existence and motivations of flaneur mentality as a consumer identity specific to virtual flaneuse. This study aims to make a theorical contribution to establishing a relationship between virtualflâneusephenemonen and consumption culture as there is no research regarding pinterest in communication field in Turkey.



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