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From the second half of the 15th century, Ottomans built pontoon bridges on the two extremes of the Empire, Mesopotamia and the Balkans, both for military and civil purposes. As a technological and organizational problem, these bridges constitute illuminative examples of a building type which was actually neglected not only by the students of this architectural tradition but also by the historians in general. The first reliable information on Ottoman pontoon bridges belongs to the age of Mehmed I (1452-1481), the Conqueror, and earliest official documents concerning military bridge-building activities deal with the campaign of Szigetvar (1566). Those hüküms, along with some contemporaneous historical studies, throw light on the bureaucratic practices, and logistics of Ottoman military engineering. The grandiose task of constructing pontoon bridges in an accelerated pace necessitated the joint efforts of local authorities, army engineers, and the central administration in Istanbul. In a pre-modern economy that constantly starved for labour force and building materials, such an organization could only be achieved by a large-scale 'mobilization' of the resources of an area extending from the Black Sea shores of present Rumania to Bosnia and Herzegovina. Historical sources reveal that some pontoon bridges were technically important structures. One of them, the bridge on the river Drava near Osijek was described in detail by Sai in the late 16th century, and by Evliya Çelebi nearly one hundred years after it was completed by the engineering corps of Süleyman the Magnificent's army. Though pontoon bridges were seldom praised as architectural masterpieces, for a complete understanding of 'non-monumental' Ottoman architecture, they have to be studied analytically, from the etymological problem posed by their primary component, tombaz (a pontoon), to the technological aspects of their construction processes. Ottoman archival material, which forms the basis of this study, offers an opportunity to be used for this purpose.



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