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Istanbul Women's University: İnas Darülfünunu (1914-1921)

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Abstract (2. Language): 
Attempts to create a Darülfünun, an institution similar to European universities, started within the Ottoman modernisation movement from 1845 on. Various social and political difficulties encountered throughout the second half of the 19th century delayed the establishement of the Darülfünun which finally offered regular and continous education after 1900. Only men were allowed to enroll in the university until the proclamation of the Second Constitution in 1908. The issue of extending higher education to women was introduced on the cultural agenda following this event, and in 1914 the Women's university "Inas Darülfünunu" opened in Istanbul. The Women's university had two faculties, in the social sciences (Edebiyat Şubesi) and mathematical and natural sciences (Riyaziyat ve Tabiiyat Şubesi). The university had a thrre-year program, and entrance required certification from girls' high schools. The Women's university concluded its function in 1919 when women were allowed to attend the courses at the Darülfünun together with men, and were accepted as students to the Istanbul University officially.merged