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Archery is described as a static sport requiring fine movement control. proper endurance and strength of the upper body and balance ability. The purpose of this study was to identify the effect of the sway of centre of pressure (COP) with eyes open (EO), eyes closed (EC), dominant and non-dominant eyes open during quiet stance in three Archery disciplines. Fifteen archers (Group I: The Recurve Archery (RA): n=5, Group II: Compound Archery (CA): n=5, Group III: Traditional Archery (TA): n=5) participated voluntary in the study. An 9281EA BioKistler Force Plate system was used to obtain objective measurements of balance in medio-lateral (Ay) and anterioposterior (Ax) directions of the sway of COP during the trials. As a result, sway of COP of CA group was smaller than the RA and TA group. Compound archers have better static balance ability than the other groups during quiet stance. Therefore, different archery disciplines, equipment, muscular strategies and skill have some effect on postural control performance measurements.



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Pamukkale Journal of Sport Sciences

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