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Tehlikeli maddelerin taşınması-bir literatür taraması

Transportation of hazardous materials (hazmat) a literature survey

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Abstract (2. Language): 
Transportation has a great role in logistics. Many researchers have studied on transportation and vehicle routing problems. Transportation of hazardous materials (hazmat) is a special subject for logistics. Causalities due to the accidents caused by trucks carrying hazardous materials will be intolerable. Many researchers have studied on risk assessment of hazmat transportation to find ways for reducing hazardous material transportation risks. Some researchers have studied routing of hazmat trucks. The emergency response models and network design problems for hazmat transportation were also studied by some researchers. The transportation of hazmats can also be classified according to the mode of transport. Mainly roads are used for hazmat transportation but some shipments are intermodal. There has been a great amount of effort spent to find convenient ways for hazmat transportation. In this study, a literature survey for the articles about hazmat transportation is prepared. After pointing out the importance of hazmat transportation by the example of US hazmat transportation data, the studies on hazmat transportation since 2005 have been examined. Totally 88 articles are classified as risk, routing, routing and scheduling, emergency response, network design and accident analysis. What can be studied in future researches is pointed out.
Abstract (Original Language): 
Taşımacılık lojistik sektöründe çok büyük öneme sahiptir. Birçok araştırmacı taşıma ve araç rotalama problemleri üzerinde çalışmıştır. Tehlikeli maddelerin taşınması lojistik sektöründe özel bir konudur. Tehlikeli madde taşıyan araçların yaptıkları kazalara bağlı olarak meydana gelen ölümler tolere edilemez sonuçlara yol açar. Birçok araştırmacı, tehlikeli madde taşımacılığındaki taşımacılık riskini düşürmek için risk değerlendirme modelleri üzerinde çalışmışlardır. Bazı araştırmacılar ise tehlikeli madde taşıyan araçların rotalanmasını çalışmışlardır. Acil müdahale modelleri ve şebeke tasarım modelleri de bazı yazarlar tarafından çalışılmıştır. Tehlikeli madde taşımacılığı taşımacılık moduna göre de sınıflandırılabilir. Genellikle karayolları tehlikeli madde taşımacılığında en çok tercih edilir fakat bazen karma taşımacılık da kullanılabilir. Tehlikeli madde taşımacılığı için uygun yollar bulma konusunda önemli çabalar sarf edilmektedir. Bu çalışmada, tehlikeli madde taşımacılığı konusunda yazılmış makalelerin bir literatür araştırması yapılmıştır. Amerika Birleşik Devletleri örneği verilerek tehlikeli madde taşımacılığının önemi üzerinde durulduktan sonra tehlikeli madde taşımacılığı konusunda 2005 sonrası yapılan çalışmalar incelenmiştir. Toplam 88 makale risk, rotalama, rotalama ve çizelgeleme, acil yardım, şebeke tasarımı ve kaza analizi olarak sınıflandırılmıştır. Müteakip çalışmalarda nelerin üzerinde durulması konusu belirtilmiştir.



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Z. Yılmaz, S. Erol, H. S. Aplak
[11] Desai S, Lim G. “Solution Time Reduction Techniques of a Stochastic Dynamic Programming Approach for Hazardous Material Route Selection Problem”. Computers & Industrial Engineering, 65(4), 634-645, 2013.
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[39] Dadkar Y, Jones D, Nozick L. “Identifying Geographically Diverse Routes for the Transportation of Hazardous Materials”. Transportation Research Part E, Logistics and Transportation Review, 44(3), 333-349, 2008.
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Z. Yılmaz, S. Erol, H. S. Aplak
[45] Qiaoa Y, Kerenb N, Mannana MS. “Utilization of Accident Databases and Fuzzy Sets to Estimate Frequency of HazMat Transport Accidents”. Journal of Hazardous Materials, 167(1-3), 374-382, 2009.
[46] Verma M. “A Cost and Expected Consequence Approach to Planning and Managing Railroad Transportation of Hazardous Materials”. Transportation Research Part D: Transport and Environment, 14(5), 300-308, 2009.
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[50] Kheirkhah AS, Esmailzadeh A, Ghazinoory S. “Developing Strategies to Reduce the Risk of Hazardous Materials Transportation in Iran Using the Method of Fuzzy Swot Analysis”. Transport, 24(4), 325-332, 2009.
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[52] Guo X, Verma M. “Choosing Vehicle Capacity to Minimize Risk for Transporting Flammable Materials”. Journal of Loss Prevention in the Process Industries, 23(2), 220-225, 2010.
[53] Verma M Verter V. “A Lead-Time Based Approach for Planning Rail–Truck Intermodal Transportation of Dangerous Goods”. European Journal of Operational Research, 202(3), 696-706, 2010.
[54] Lozanoa A, Muñoza A, Antúna JP, Granadosa F, Guarnerosa L. “Analysis of Hazmat Transportation Accidents in Congested Urban Areas, Based on Actual Accidents in Mexico”. Procedia Social and Behavioral Sciences 2(3), 6053-6064, 2010.
[55] Genserik L, Reniers L, Jongh K, Bob Gorrens, Dirk Lauwers, Maarten Van Leest, & Frank Witlox. “Transportation Risk Analysis tool for hazardous Substances (TRANS)-A User-Friendly, Semi-Quantitative Multi-Mode Hazmat Transport Route Safety Risk Estimation Methodology for Flanders”. Transportation Research Part D: Transport and Environment, 15(8), 489-496, 2010.
[56] Pradhanang R, Taniguchi E, Yamada T. “Ant Colony System Based Routing and Scheduling for Hazardous Material Transportation”. Procedia Social and Behavioral Sciences, 2(3), 6097-6108, 2010.
[57] Androutsopoulos KN, Zografos KG. “Solving the Bicriterion Routing and Scheduling Problem for Hazardous Materials Distribution”. Transportation Research Part C: Emerging Technologies, 18(5), 713-726, 2010.
[58] Dadkar Y, Nozick L, Jones D. “Optimizing Facility Use Restrictions for the Movement of Hazardous Materials”. Transportation Research Part B: Methodological, 44(2), 267-281, 2010.
[59] Yang J, Li F, Zhou L, Zhang L, Huang L, Bia J. “A Survey on Hazardous Materials Accidents During Road Transport in China From 2000 to 2008”. Journal of Hazardous Materials, 184(1-3), 647-653, 2010.
[60] Milazzo MF, Lisi R, Maschio G, Antonioni G, Spadoni G. “A Study of Land Transport of Dangerous Substances in Eastern Sicily”. Journal of Loss Prevention in the Process Industries, 23(3), 393-403, 2010.
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[63] Fabiano B, Palazzi E. “Hazmat Transportation by Heavy Vehicles and Road Tunnels: A Simplified Modeling Procedure to Risk Assessment and Mitigation Applied to an Italian Case study”. International Journal of Heavy Vehicle Systems, 17(3-4), 216-236, 2010.
[64] Jiaa H, Zhanga L, Loua X, Cao H. “A Fuzzy-Stochastic Constraint Programming Model for Hazmat Road Transportation Considering Terrorism Attacking”. Systems Engineering Procedia, 1, 130-136, 2011.
[65] Chakrabarti UK, Parikh JK. “Route Risk Evaluation on Class-2 Hazmat Transportation”. Process Safety and Environmental Protection, 89(4), 248-260, 2011.
[66] Kazantzi V, Kazantzis N, Gerogiannis VC. “Risk Informed Optimization of a Hazardous Material Multi-Periodic Transportation Model”. Journal of Loss Prevention in the Process Industries, 24(6), 767-773, 2011.
[67] Lozano A, Muñoz A, Macías L, Antún JP. “Hazardous Materials Transportation in Mexico City: Chlorine and Gasoline Cases”. Transportation Research Part C: Emerging Technologies, 19(5), 779-789, 2011.
[68] Verma M. “Railroad Transportation of Dangerous Goods: A Conditional Exposure Approach to Minimize Transport Risk”. Transportation Research Part C: Emerging Technologies, 19(5), 790-802, 2011.
[69] Chakrabarti UK, Parikh JK. “Route Evaluation for Hazmat Transportation Based on Total Risk e A Case of Indian State Highways”. Journal of Loss Prevention in the Process Industries, 24, 524-530, 2011.
[70] Chakrabarti UK. Parikh JK., “Class-2 Hazmat Transportation Consequence Assessment on Surrounding Population”. Journal of Loss Prevention in the Process Industries, 24(6), 758-766, 2011.
[71] Ellis J. “Analysis of Accidents and Incidents Occurring During Transport of Packaged Dangerous Goods by Sea”. Safety Science, 49(8-9), 1231-1237, 2011.
[72] Pesic DJ, Blagojevic MD, Glisovic SM. “The Model of Air Pollution Generated by Fire Chemical Accident in an Urban Street Canyon”. Transportation Research Part D: Transport and Environment, 16(4), 321-326, 2011.
[73] L´opez-Atamoros LG, Villag ´omez GF. “Development of a Relative Ranking Risk Index for Risk Assessment in the Transportation of Liquefied Petroleum Gas in Mexico City’s Metropolitan Area”. Human and Ecological Risk Assessment, 17(6), 1193-1209, 2011.
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[74] Li R, Leung Y. “Multi-Objective Route Planning for Dangerous Goods Using Compromise Programming”.Journal of Geographical Systems, 13(3), 249-271, 2011.
[75] Xie Y, Lu W, Wang W, Quadrifoglio L. “A Multimodal Location and Routing Model for Hazardous Materials Transportation”. Journal of Hazardous Materials, 227-228, 135-141, 2012.
[76] Verma M, Verter V, Zufferey N. “A Bi-Objective Model for Planning and Managing Rail-Truck Intermodal Transportation of Hazardous Materials”. Transportation Research Part E: Logistics and Transportation Review, 48(1), 132-149, 2012.
[77] Das A, Mazumder TN, Gupta AK. “Pareto Frontier Analyses Based Decision Making Tool for Transportation of Hazardous Waste”. Journal of Hazardous Materials, 227-228, 341-352, 2012.
[78] Reilly A, Nozick L, Xu N, Jones D. “Game Theory-Based Identification of Facility Use Restrictions for the Movement of Hazardous Materials under Terrorist Threat”. Transportation Research Part E: Logistics and Transportation Review, 48(1), 115-131, 2012.
[79] Das A, Gupta AK, Mazumder TN. “A Comprehensive Risk Assessment Framework for Offsite Transportation of Inflammable Hazardous Waste”. Journal of Hazardous Materials, 227-228, 88-96, 2012.
[80] Chakrabarti UK, Parikh JK. “Applying Hazan Methodology to Hazmat Transportation Risk Assessment”. Process Safety and Environmental Protection, 90(5), 368-375, 2012.
[81] Ren C, Yuan X, Wang J, Zhang X, Li Jin. “Study on Emergency Response Rank Mode of Flammable and Explosive Hazardous Materials Road Transportation”. Procedia Engineering, 45, 830-835, 2012.
[82] Laijun Zhao, Xulei Wanga, Ying Qian. “Analysis of Factors That Influence Hazardous Material Transportation Accidents Based on Bayesian Networks: A Case Study in China”, Safety Science, 50(4), 1049-1055, 2012.
[83] Wang J, Kang Y, Kwon C, Batta R. “Dual Toll Pricing for Hazardous Materials Transport with Linear Delay”. Networks and Spatial Economics, 12, 147-165, 2012.
[84] Chakrabarti UK, Parikh JK. “Using Consequence-Based Hazard Zone Assessment for Effective Evacuation Planning of Vulnerable Settlements Along Hazmat Transport Corridors Through Industrial City of SURAT in Western India”. Journal of Loss Prevention in the Process Industries, 26(5) 941-947, 2013.
[85] Reniers GLL, Dullaert W. “A Method to Assess Multi-Modal Hazmat Transport Security Vulnerabilities: Hazmat transport SVA”. Transport Policy, 28, 103-113, 2013.
[86] Tena-Chollet, F, Tixier J, Dusserre G, Mangin JF. “Development of a Spatial Risk Assessment Tool for the Transportation of Hydrocarbons: Methodology and Implementation in a Geographical Information System”. Environmental Modelling & Software, 46, 61-74, 2013.
[87] Gzara F. “A Cutting Plane Approach for Bilevel Hazardous Material Transport Network Design”. Operations Research Letters, 41(1), 40-46, 2013.
[88] Raemdonck KV, Macharis C, Mairesse O.“Risk Analysis System for the Transport of Hazardous Materials”. Journal of Safety Research, 45, 55-63, 2013.
[89] Liu X, Saat MR, Barkan CP.“Integrated Risk Reduction Framework to Improve Railway Hazardous Materials Transportation Safety”. Journal of Hazardous Materials, 260, 131-140, 2013.
[90] Desai S, Lim GJ. “Solution Time Reduction Techniques of a Stochastic Dynamic Programming Approach for Hazardous Material Route Selection Problem”. Computers & Industrial Engineering, 65(4), 634-645, 2013.
[91] Chakrabarti UK, Parikh JK. “A Societal Risk Study for Transportation of Class-3 Hazmats-A Case of Indian State Highways”. Process Safety and Environmental Protection, 91(4), 275-284, 2013.
[92] Szeto WY. “Routing and Scheduling Hazardous Material Shipments: Nash Game Approach”. Transportmetrica B: Transport Dynamics, 1(3), 237-260, 2013.
[93] Shen X, Yan Y, Li X, Xie C, Wang L. “Analysis on Tank Truck Accidents Involved in Road Hazardous Materials Transportation in China”. Traffic Injury Prevention, 15(7), 762-768, 2014.
[94] Pradhananga R, Taniguchi E, Yamada T, Qureshi AG. “Bi-Objective Decision Support System for Routing and Scheduling of Hazardous Materials”. Socio-Economic Planning Sciences, 48(2), 135-148, 2014.
[95] Kang Y, Batta R, Kwon C. “Generalized Route Planning Model for Hazardous Material Transportation with VaR and Equity Considerations”. Computers & Operations Research, (43), 237-247, 2014.

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