Experimental and numerical analysis of cylindrical laminated glass shellsExperimental and numerical analysis of cylindrical laminated glass shellsExperimental and numerical analysis of cylindrical laminated glass shellsExperimental and numerical analysis of cylindrical laminated glass shellsExperimental and numerical analysis of cylindrical laminated glass shellsExperimental and numerical analysis of cylindrical laminated glass shellsExperimental and numerical analysis of cylindrical laminated glass shellsExperimental and numerical analysis of cylindrical laminated glass shellsExperimental and numerical analysis of cylindrical laminated glass shellsExperimental and numerical analysis of cylindrical laminated glass shellsExperimental and numerical analysis of cylindrical laminated glass shellsExperimental and numerical analysis of cylindrical laminated glass shellsExperimental and numerical analysis of cylindrical laminated glass shellsExperimental and numerical analysis of cylindrical laminated glass shellsExperimental and numerical analysis of cylindrical laminated glass shellsExperimental and numerical analysis of cylindrical laminated glass shellsExperimental and numerical analysis of cylindrical laminated glass shellsExperimental and numerical analysis of cylindrical laminated glass shellsExperimental and numerical analysis of cylindrical laminated glass shellsExperimental and numerical analysis of cylindrical laminated glass shellsExperimental and numerical analysis of cylindrical laminated glass shellsExperimental and numerical analysis of cylindrical laminated glass shellsExperimental and numerical analysis of cylindrical laminated glass shellsExperimental and numerical analysis of cylindrical laminated glass shellsExperimental and numerical analysis of cylindrical laminated glass shellsExperimental and numerical analysis of cylindrical laminated glass shellsExperimental and numerical analysis of cylindrical laminated glass shellsExperimental and numerical analysis of cylindrical laminated glass shellsExperimental and numerical analysis of cylindrical laminated glass shellsExperimental and numerical analysis of cylindrical laminated glass shellsExperimental and numerical analysis of cylindrical laminated glass shellsExperimental and numerical analysis of cylindrical laminated glass shellsExperimental and numerical analysis of cylindrical laminated glass shellsExperimental and numerical analysis of cylindrical laminated glass shellsExperimental and numerical analysis of cylindrical laminated glass shellsExperimental and numerical analysis of cylindrical laminated glass shellsExperimental and numerical analysis of cylindrical laminated glass shellsExperimental and numerical analysis of cylindrical laminated glass shellsExperimental and numerical analysis of cylindrical laminated glass shellsExperimental and numerical analysis of cylindrical laminated glass shellsExperimental and numerical analysis of cylindrical laminated glass shellsExperimental and numerical analysis of cylindrical laminated glass shellsExperimental and numerical analysis of cylindrical laminated glass shellsExperimental and numerical analysis of cylindrical laminated glass shellsExperimental and numerical analysis of cylindrical laminated glass shellsExperimental and numerical analysis of cylindrical laminated glass shellsExperimental and numerical analysis of cylindrical laminated glass shellsExperimental and numerical analysis of cylindrical laminated glass shellsExperimental and numerical analysis of cylindrical laminated glass shellsExperimental and numerical analysis of cylindrical laminated glass shellsExperimental and numerical analysis of cylindrical laminated glass shellsExperimental and numerical analysis of cylindrical laminated glass shellsExperimental and numerical analysis of cylindrical laminated glass shellsExperimental and numerical analysis of cylindrical laminated glass shellsExperimental and numerical analysis of cylindrical laminated glass shellsExperimental and numerical analysis of cylindrical laminated glass shellsExperimental and numerical analysis of cylindrical laminated glass shellsExperimental and numerical analysis of cylindrical laminated glass shells Experimental and numerical analysis of cylindrical laminated glass shellsExperimental and numerical analysis of cylindrical laminated glass shellsExperimental and numerical analysis of cylindrical laminated glass shellsExperimental and numerical analysis of cylindrical laminated glass shellsExperimental and numerical analysis of cylindrical laminated glass shellsExperimental and numerical analysis of cylindrical laminated glass shellsExperimental and numerical analysis of cylindrical laminated glass shellsExperimental and numerical analysis of cylindrical laminated glass shellsExperimental and numerical analysis of cylindrical laminated glass shellsExperimental and numerical analysis of cylindrical laminated glass shellsExperimental and numerical analysis of cylindrical laminated glass shellsExperimental and numerical analysis of cylindrical laminated glass shellsExperimental and numerical analysis of cylindrical laminated glass shellsExperimental
Journal Name:
- Pamukkale Üniversitesi Mühendislik Bilimleri Dergisi
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Abstract (2. Language):
Laminated glass is a kind of safety glass which consists of two glass layers with an interlayer Polyvinyl Butyral (PVB) in between them. Even if the breaking happens, the glass layers are held together by the PVB interlayer and minimize the risk of injury. Laminated glass units have long been used in the transportation and automotive industries. Because of their resistance to a wide range of loading and environmental condition, nowadays they are extensively used in architectural glazing products Laminated glasses display highly complicated structural behavior because they can easily perform large displacement since they are very thin and there is a big difference between the material properties. Because of mathematical complexity and discontinuous stress distributions of laminated glass units most of the studies are about linear behavior rather than nonlinear behavior of the laminated glass units. In the current study, a finite element model is developed for the analysis of cylindrical laminated glass shells and experimental studies are carried out for the validation of model. It is observed from the figures presented, numerical results and experimental results from the tests are in good agreement.
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Abstract (Original Language):
Lamine cam polivinil butiral (PVB) ara tabaka ile birbirine bağlanmış iki cam tabakadan oluşan emniyet cam türüdür. PVB ara tabaka, kırılma olsa bile cam tabakaları bir arada tutar ve yaralanma riskini en aza indirir. Uzun yıllardır ulaşım ve otomotiv endüstrilerinde kullanılmakta olan lamine cam birimler yük ve çevresel koşullara gösterdikleri büyük dirençler nedeniyle, günümüzde yaygın olarak mimari cam ürünlerinde kullanılmaktadırlar. Lamine camlar oldukça karmaşık mekanik davranış gösterirler çünkü çok ince oldukları için kolayca büyük yer değiştirmeler gösterirler ve malzeme özellikleri arasında büyük bir fark vardır. Lamine cam ünitelerin matematiksel karmaşıklıkları ve süreksiz gerilme dağılımları nedeniyle, çalışmaların çoğu lamine cam birimlerinin doğrusal olmayan davranışı yerine doğrusal davranışları ile ilgilidir. Bu çalışmada, silindirik lamine cam kabukların çözümlenmesi için sonlu elemanlar modeli geliştirilmiş ve modelin doğrulanması için deneysel çalışmalar yürütülmüştür. Sunulan grafiklerden gözlendiği gibi sayısal sonuçlar ve deneylerden elde edilen sonuçlar uyum içerisindedir.
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