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ETHNIC IDENTITY VERSUS NATIONAL IDENTITY: An cınalysis of PKK terror in relation to identity conflict

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Abstract (2. Language): 
Terror as a social problem, like any other type of deviant behavior andlor erime, is causedby multiple factors. Therefore, in order to solve the problem of terror, social causes of the issue have to be taken into consideration in addition to the armed struggle. Security arrangements and armed intervention are only a part of the struggle against terror ism. nrhe PKK terror has, for the last twenty years, been one of the most important items on the agenda of the Turkish security services. Social scientists, as well as members of Turkish security services have, recently discussed social causes of tlıe PKK terror. Over the last several years a number of studies conductecl on terror in general and the PKK terror organization in parlicular, have demonstrated that terror is not only caused by individual deviation. Therefore, it is not a poliçe problem only, but also a social problem. In short, the terror, which has generally been seen only as a policing problem, infact has social aspects and will continue to exist unless the social causes of problem are addressed and solved. Within this article PKK terror is analyzed in terms of its being a conflict belween ethnic versus a national identity.