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POLİSTE SOSYALLEŞME VE MESLEK ETÎĞÎ: Meslek Îçi Sosyalleşmenin Doğurabileceği 'Yasal' ve 'Etik' Sonuçlara Genel Bir Bakış

Socialisation within the Police Service and Police Professional Ethics: An Examination of Legal and Ethical Consequences of Professional Socialization

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Abstract (2. Language): 
Witilin a society, the more differential status attached to the police the more li-kely that the police will feel socially isolated and alienated from the society. Socially isolated police will feel less the power of the law and ethical standards on their daily working practices to the harm of the society. Furthermore, there is a di-rect correlation between the differential status afforded to the police and closeness of the policies and practices reflecting the majority view of the society. Therefore, it is suggested that the police and the society for whom the police service has in fact been established should share the same environment in every respect of soci-al life. In the absence of such condition, the gap between the individuals and the police will be broadened and producing the policies which meet the needs of the society will be hardened. In this article, the environment where the police are edu-cated and they conduct social activities will be examined as major causes of isola-tion of the alienation. And, possible legal and ethical adverse affects of social iso-lation of the police at the police schools and police social facilities on the police service will be indicated. At the end, it is going to be suggested that the policies of providing the state-based police education and social facilities accessible only to the police should be kept at the minimum.
Abstract (Original Language): 
Polisin toplum içinde bulunduğu farklı konum, doğal olarak, kendisine has, çok belirgin etik değerler içeren bir meslek alt kültürü oluşturmasına sebep olmaktadır. Bu alt kültürün şekillendirdiği hayatta, polis, kendisine sağlanan ayrıcalıkların boyutu ile doğru orantılı olarak, kendisini toplumun diğer fertlerinden soyutlamakta, sosyal olaylara sivil vatandaşlardan farklı bir yaklaşım sergilemektedir. Bu makalede, polisin 'eğitim' ve 'sosyal imkanlar' bakımından içinde bulunduğu farklılığın, kamu hizmeti üzerinde oluşturabileceği muhtemel yasal ve etik olumsuzluklardan 'kurumsal paranoyaya' ve 'kutsal amaç yolsuzluklarına" (noble cause corruption) işaret edilecektir.



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