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Physico-Chemical Status of the Water of Historical Lakes and Tanks in Kolhapur City

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Due to the unprecedented population growth and intensive agricultural practices ground and surface water is been exploited on increasing scales. Water bodies such as springs, streams, rivers, lakes ponds, bog etc. are playing prime role to supply the water for drinking, washing, irrigation, industrial purpose, generating electricity etc.



1. Botkin D.B. & Keller E.A. (1995):
Environmental Science, Earth as a Living Planet.
2. Census of India, (1991): District Census
handbook, Kolhapur.
3. Fokmareand, A.R. Masaddiq M. (2002): A
Study of Mandakally Lake, A Polluted Water body
at Mysoor, Nature Environment and Pollution
Technology, 2002, pp 291-293
4. Kolhapur Municipal Corporation, (2002-
03) : Environmental Report.

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