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Measuring Economic Empowerment among Self Help Group Beneficiaries

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Women's participation in the economic activity is very important for their own personal advancement and for the improvement of their status in the society. Economic empowerment of women was mainly based on their participation in the decision-making processes with regard to the access and the utilization of the resources, that is, incomes, investments and expenditures at all levels. The present study is to assess the economic empowerment of SHG beneficiaries in Virudhunagar district. Economic empowerment were measured by six indicators namely Productivity skill, Business practice, Income, Consumption, Work environment, and prosperity. Structured questionnaire was used to collect the data from 400 respondents who were selected by random sampling. The respondents were contacted in person and the objectives were explained to them so as to get accurate information for this research. Two measurement models were tested, out of that one model showed good fit for the economic empowerment of SHG's beneficiaries surveys for fit measures such as CMIN/df, GFI, AGFI, CFI,RMR, RMSEA, PRatio, and FMIN .



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