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- Review Of Research
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Abstract (Original Language):
Values are most generally some normative behaviours. They are expected to be
internalized by the individuals of any society in the process of learning termed as
socialization. Values are of vital importance to any society because they serve as criteria
for selection of actions which are regarded as most valuable. Though one of the major
aims of education is inculcation of values among the learners, a special drive on value
education has become the need of the hour –given the abysmal pictures of value-crisis in
the present consumerist society. Value-education refers to a programme of planned
educational action aimed at the development of values and character of the learners. In
order to build a democratic society, values like tolerance, self-respect, human dignity,
secularism, compassion for others, human rights, practice of peace and non-violence,
fellow-feeling, leadership- etc are of topmost importance. But unfortunately, present
education system is producing only information-loaded men and women –not 'valueable
human beings'. As a result, society is facing conflicts of different types that are out to
erode the democratic fabrics of our nation. This paper reflects over such crisis and
attempts to suggest some way-outs of this crisis through education.
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