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This paper presents Ge, Ag, Ba, K, and Fe contents of indoor and outdoor dustfall depositions collected from residences located in six different places across Sakarya city center between March and September 2002. At each indoor sampling site, duplicate samples were collected using buckets at the heights of 30 cm and 150 cm above the floor. Outdoor dust depositions were also collected using similar buckets placed on balkony of sampling houses. The deposition rates at 30 cm height ranged from 0.38 to 1.78 g/cm2/day and at 150 cm height ranged from 0.27 to 1.13 g/cm2/day during the sampling period. The arithmetic mean deposition rate for all houses was 0.98 g/cm2/day at 30 cm and 0.57 g/cm2/day at 150 cm heights. Outdoor mass deposition rates ranged from 0.38 to 1.78 g/cm2/day. In general, indoor elemental loadings were observed to be highest in Yeşiltepe area whereas Kampüs area showed the lowest elemental concentrations. These results indicated that as the indoor to outdoor ratio increases the effect of outdoor dust to indoor dustfall increases.
105 - 112



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